San Diego Comic-con 2013: Where I'll be and Some Reminders on Good Behavior

Oh, holy crow. Tomorrow I am up at the ass crack of dawn (I'm so eloquent) to board a plane with the waifu (Sarah Hiraki) and jet away to SAN DIEGO COMIC CONNNNNN (imagine I'm screaming this like "Kahn"). This is my fifth year and despite the fact that a lot of my friends seem to have issues with SDCC these days ("it's too big, it's too crowded, whine whine whine") I DON'T CARE I'M SO EXCITED. I literally spend every moment of every day after the previous SDCC waiting for the next one. It makes me feel like a 6 year old on Christmas Eve. It's nerd heaven!! IT'S EVERYTHING I COULD EVER WANT.

Cosplay, good friends, awesome parties, extravagant dinners, bizarre occurrences (last year I partied with The Doctor!!), toy exclusives, fantastic art... these are just a few of the reasons that SDCC is sacred to me. I know by the end of the weekend I'm going to be sore, bruised, tired, cranky, and dehydrated - with no feeling in my toes from wearing heels - but I don't care! It's all worth it to me.

This year is especially exciting because while I usually go solo to SDCC and flit around like a little bumblebee from social group to social group, I'm going to have three mega babes in tow this year and I couldn't be happier. I'll be staying at the Hyatt with Sarah Hiraki and Kristin Hackett, and then Melissa Kay will be with us most of the time. BABE PARTY.

Concept sketch for this year's Steampunk WW, drawn by my friend Chelsea

As for cosplay, I am unfortunately only wearing one costume this year since I was filming most of the summer and therefore didn't have time to work on stuff. HOWEVER: IT'S FRAKKIN' AWESOME!! I have completely revamped my Steampunk Wonder Woman, and I will be debuting it on Friday along with the rest of the epic Steampunk DC group. Watch for us!! I will be sharing a photo post of the costume when I return home, but you'll be getting crappy Instagram pics on my social media.

I planned poorly for the night life this year, but I will definitely be at the iFanboy happy hour on Thursday night. However, if anyone else has any other parties they'd like me and my sessy lady posse to come to, you should probably drop me a line.

I have a couple of reminders on proper convention etiquette...

  • Keep your hands to yourself
  • Bathe
  • Wear deodorant 
  • Don't photograph cosplayers in the middle of the aisle
  • Drink lots of water
  • Wear comfortable shoes (haha I don't follow this rule)
  • Don't harass celebrities. Be nice and polite.
I wrote a much more concise article about this awhile back for ifanboy. Check it out here: YAY SDCC FOR N00BS

Who else is going? Who isn't going but wishes they were there? What are you most excited for? WHO WANTS TO PARTY?!

If you see me: SAY HI! I'm super friendly (as long as you don't act like a creep). I'm super tall and redheaded and will probably be lit up like a Christmas tree. 

Make sure to follow me on Instagram and Twitter for my ridiculous SDCC Adventures!

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