Outfit #56: Mori Girl

Dress: Thrifted // Sweater: Thrifted // Jacket: Thrifted // Belt: Thrifted // Necklaces/Jewelry: Ebay // Hat: H&M // Boots: Thrifted // Horse Purse: Thrifted

Recently my dear friend Becki has been on a HUGE Mori Girl/Dolly Kei fashion kick. Mori Girl is a Japanese style where you basically just want to look like a whimsical forest girl, which means lots of whites, creams, knits, and tons of layers. With the freezing winters in Seattle, it's nice and cozy fashion option.

Becki has always been my fashion counterpart - she's my oldest friend in Seattle and we've lived together and swapped closets in the past. That means that when she's experimenting with new style or vice versa one of us will play with it too. So I tried my hand at a Mori Girl inspired outfit one chilly morning! It's a fun style to emulate and it harkens back to my days as a wild Alaskan girl, but it's still hard for me to break out of my edgy/anime inspired shell. However, one of my resolutions this year was to stop wearing so much black... so we will see what happens!

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