Emerald City Comic-con Schedule!

Today I looked at the calendar and had a sudden panic attack: ONLY 9 DAYS UNTIL EMERALD CITY COMIC-CON HOLY CRAP. After getting fat and happy over the winter, I feel hardly prepared for con season - but here is comes steamrolling upon me, geeky jaws a'chompin'.

Am I prepared? Haha. Hardly. But everything will come together JUST IN TIME and I'll stop having panic attacks as soon as I have the badge around my neck. Until then? I need to drink a lot of tea and pet my dog a LOT to stop from a full blown anxiety episode.

This con I'm even more busy than usual - and I'm excited to share ALL OF THE THINGS with you, my darling unicorns!


For this con I'm actually so busy that I don't think I will be cosplaying more than one day (I'm saving money and cosplay for Sakura-con and San Diego Comic-con!), but on Saturday I am involved in a MASSIVE X-men group. Seriously huge, like 30+ cosplayers. I'll be Jean Grey/Phoenix, so watch out for a tall, bootylicious Phoenix (in her green outfit).


As far as events go, I am usually a leaf in the wind (if you have any party recommendations I'd love to hear them!), but Friday evening I am throwing the Official ECCC Live Art Event for the 3rd Year. I will be hosting this AWESOME event. Come see a bunch of famous artists painting on canvases on stage while you drink and dance and watch our cosplay go-go dancers bust a move. There is NO COVER, but this event is for charity (Seattle Children's Hospital!) so we will have donation box at the entrance. We are also raffling off a piece of art and some other great comic book goodies!

Here's the Facebook event for more info. So excited to see you all there!


And finally: panels! This year I am on a whopping THREE FRAKKIN' PANELS, as I must be some sort of insane person (as if you guys didn't know that already). Here's my panel schedule: come see me!!

Friday, March 1st, 6pm, Room 2AB
Do you love Star Wars AND the color pink? Spend equal amounts of time shopping for clothes AND comics? There's no shame in being geeky and feminine! Join panelists Bonnie Burton (author of The Star Wars Craft Book), Kristina Horner (YouTube vlogger "italktosnakes"), Molly McIsaac (geek fashion blogger and cosplayer), and Tara Theoharis (geek lifestyle blogger at Geekyhostess.com) as they celebrate the people and things that make being geeky and feminine fantastic! Men and women are welcome to participate in this lively discussion on what it means to be a geeky woman in the 21st Century.

Saturday, March 2nd, 11am, Room 2AB

You see the cute geek girl at the comic shop... but you have no idea what to say to her! Let us help you with "How To Talk To Girls", the panel that is equal parts comedy and social commentary that's been sprinkled with a bit of dating advice and served from a feminine point of view. (But don't let that scare you. It's really not that frightening!) Come for the laughs... but be forewarned. You just may learn something! Presented by Molly McIsaac, Gail Simone, John Roderick, Sarah Kuhn and Forest Gibson.

Saturday, March 2nd, 3pm, Room 401

The ladies of OneUpMakeup (Kristina Horner, Liz Leo, Mallory Shoemaker, Meagan Karimi-Naser, Molly McIsaac and Tara Theoharis) create makeup looks inspired by their nerdy passions and favorite fandoms. Join them as they talk makeup, answer your questions, and do some live demos. Whether you just wear makeup when cosplaying or rock it everyday, we've got a look for you! See more in the meantime at youtube.com/oneupmakeup!  

I hope to see all of you there!! And if you can't make it, make sure to obsessively peruse my twitter for my live tweets! If you see me, don't be afraid to say hello! I am very friendly and I don't bite (TOO hard).

What about you guys? What are you excited about at Emerald City Comic-con?

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