Haul Video: Wholesale-Dress.net

Hiya unicorns! Today I am finally remembering to post a haul video I made a couple of weeks ago. I made a HUGE order to wholesale-dress.net with a few friends of mine, because if you ordered over $300 from the USA warehouse shipping was free. Considering that the outrageous shipping was the main reason I never tried out this website in the past, it was a perfect opportunity.

So six or seven of us placed an order (totaling $700!!) and we received our massive shipment within a week (super awesome fast turnaround). The quality of the products was so/so - I talk about some of them in the video. I forgot to include a lot because by the time I made the video everything was already spread all over my house. The biggest complaint I have is that for someone like me - 5'10" and 150lbs - a lot of the clothes were very, very small. I tried to order smart: ordering things only with sizes and choosing Large, etc. But the Asian larges fit more like a western Medium or big small. If you're going to order from an Asian wholesale website and you're not petite, I'd suggest shopping smart - purses, baggier shirts, etc.

But for the most part I am quite pleased with my purchases and will probably be making another bulk order from them next year when they have refreshed their stock!

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