Outfit # 40: Life Size Ghost

Plaid Shirt: Thrifted // Skirt: Wholesale-Dress.net // Boots: Thrifted // Unicorn Necklace c/o RUBY // Unicorn ring c/o Amelia Mays // "Unicorn poop" ring c/o Deastar

This outfit is from Sunday, aka the last day of Aki-con, hence the dark circles underneath my eyes. Last night I slept from 8pm to 12am, woke up for two hours, then went back to sleep until this morning when I woke up for work. I feel like a new person - I was SO EXHAUSTED YESTERDAY. Geeks know how to party. And destroy livers.

This skirt is from my massive order from wholesale-dress.net - don't worry, haul post is coming soon. I am pretty in love with it, except when it came it had these weird short things sewn into them that I couldn't fit up my fat thighs. So I cut them out and now it's 100% sheer, but I still love it. Silly Asian wholesale websites!

I feel like as I receive more and more jewelry, it just becomes like 65% unicorn and the rest is... not as important. This necklace is pretty much incredible and came in a HUGE care package from RUBY in Capetown, Africa. They sent me about 10 different necklaces and a TON of super uguuu~ kawaii lingerie. Seriously one of the nicest packages I have ever received from a sponsor ever. I almost cried ;_;

Oh, also! Want to win free leggings? Romwe is, as usual, having one of their epic giveaways, and you can enter it here. I own a bunch of stuff from Romwe and I have never been disappointed in their products.

The joint makeup channel I'm involved in posted a new makeup tutorial today: this time, Meagan and Tara teach you how to be Honey Boo Boo. It's hilarious, and the look is surprisingly wearable for a night out.

And the most amazing news of my day: My article on creepers creepin' on me in cosplay made it onto Think Progress. I... wow. I've been getting a lot of negative feedback (AND positive, but the negative stings), so to have my issues and voice be heard on such a large platform has all but flabbergasted me.

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