Outfit #16: NaNaNaNaNaNaNaNa BATMAN!

Dress: Thrifted // Shoes: Steve Madden (Thrifted) // Hat: Thrifted // Necklace c/o Maya & Ruhi // Ring: eBay // Bangles: Yard Sale // iPhone Case c/o Two Feet Deep // Clutch c/o Galaxy Garments

The weather in Seattle has been bizarre and fickle lately. It hasn't rained in weeks, and in the mornings it's freezing and by noon it's super warm. I walked around downtown last night in a tanktop. WHAT IS UP, SEATTLE?! I miss my dreary weather!

Nonetheless, it gives me a good excuse to dress like I live in California in this thrifted dress... which I actually think is an old granny night gown but FUCK DA POLICE.

I have the biggest heart on for all of my accessories today. The necklace particularly, which is a sexy sexy geode from Maya & Ruhi, which may be my new favorite Etsy shop. They have all this natural world inspired jewelry that is worth salivating over. I love combining the duality of nature with something as "artificial" as fashion - it very much represents my own duality, since I was raised in the middle of nowhere in Alaska but now I'm a city slicker and recovering goth!

The Galaxy Clutch is by Galaxy Garments, another pretty epic Etsy shop... and she's Seattle based, eek! Love supporting local designers. She has dresses and pretty much everything one could ever want in Hubble print - aka geek fashion porn. 

And then finally there's my iPhone case, which is going to be hard for me to change off of my phone tomorrow (damn my incessant need for constant change!). Why? BECAUSE IT'S THE BEST, THAT'S WHY. WHY DO YOU EVEN HAVE TO ASK?! Two Feet Deep is yet another Etsy shop, and they have lots of delightfully geeky and super designy phone cases (not just for iPhone!)

In other news, my little brother has moved from Idaho to Seattle and is staying with me in my teensy apartment while he gets his feet underneath him. So I'm making him take all of my outfit pics this week, MUAHAHA. Leetle brother slave labor (he's actually a very talented photographer).

Til Tomorrow, my darling unicorns! (And a special, super secret new feature is beginning tomorrow, eek!)

Oh, and go listen to this song, because it's awesome: Ultraista - Small Talk (Four Tet Remix)

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